Saturday 14 February 2009

Saturday Weigh In.

Hi all,

So today i got weighed and lost 1.5lbs so all together i've lost 12 and a quarter pounds all together which i'm really pleased about however i'm worried that i'm only going to be losing 1lb a week from now on which is totally fine but it doesn't motivate me much!

Think i'm going to work extra hard at the gym this week so i'll lose enough to be lost a stone all together.

I'll let you know how it's going throughout the week.

Speak soon.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Just a quick one!

Hi all just to let you know all is going well on the healthy eating front, went to the gym today for an hour before college which i enjoyed, never thought i would say that!

Sorry this is only a quick post i'm rushed off my feet with college work

Bye for now!

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Taking it easy.

Hi all!

Not upto much today just sitting here finishing some college work which is due on friday, been eating sensibly again today just had toast for breakfast and some ham rolls and a packet of crisps for my lunch plus still drinking my 2litres of water a day, which was hard to start off with because i was pissing like a racehorse but all is well now.

So i thought today i would talk to you about why i think i'm fat.

I think i noticed my weight when i was about 12 i was 9st and remember saying to a mate of mine "look at the size of me!" i think the reason i noticed my weight when i was that age is because of my mum for aslong as i've known my mum has always struggled with her weight she's always been on a diet without any real results, and i know your probably thinking there we go another person blaming their parents but i know it wasn't just my mum obviously it was me aswell not thinking what i was eating.

So about 5 years ago my mum and dad split up so it was just me and my mum in the house and because we were the same person eating wise we always had the same habits:

  • On a sunday we bought sweets and chocolate and watched a film
  • We used to eat big dinners then eat crisps during the evening
  • We used to get fish and chips alot
There was even a time when a whole month went past when we eat two takeaway chineses a week.

I lost 3st before and was proud of myself but it wasn't long before i put it back on again this is the problem with diets "weightwatchers, slimming world, calorie counting" as soon as you've lost your weight you stop the diet but you haven't taught your body anything so you go back to your old eating habits like i did.

I'm glad i'm doing what i'm doing now and i feel happy because of it however i'm worried about my mum her fitness is really down and she finds it hard to walk short distances.

Well i'm going to get on now so i'll chat to you all soon.

p.s i'll put some pictures of me on here soon (not for the faint hearted!)

Monday 9 February 2009

What? A Blog?

Young,Free,Single and Fat?

Doesn't sound quite right does it and i know it!

Hi i'm aaron a 21 year old guy who recently started taking notice of constant eating and realised i couldn't go on like the way i was, i had already joined a gym just hadn't used it.

So now for the facts:

So on the 15th January i got weighed and was 18st and a quarter of a pound.

This was the heaviest i had ever been and i wasn't happy with it, i decided to eat 3 meals a day which are good meals which keep me going until the next meal, i also decided to start drinking 2 litres of water a day i find the best way to achieve this is fill a 2 litre bottle up everyday and have a pint glass full of water or juice with you all the time.

So here i am writing this on the 9th February and have already lost 10 and a quarter pounds!

I can already see the diference in myself which is great i've had to work hard to lose what i have, i've been walking for 40 mins a day done an hour on the treadmill every other day it's been hard but totally worth it!

I bought myself a pair of 34" levi jeans the other week to motivate myself to lose weight so i could get into them.

Well i'll be blogging again soon so any comments you have i'd love to read thanks and chat to you soon.